The [unofficial] guide for SharePoint 2013 (and 2010) working with TLS 1.2 only

There are several resources out there claiming SharePoint 2013 and 2010 are not compatible with TLS 1.2 but no official stance from Microsoft either way until now. This post is still not the official response, but it is the first step in this direction. Official documentation to follow. The official supportability is explained in the

WinDBG Extension written completely in C#

A lot of good and competent people shy away from writing their own WinDbg extension because of the difficultyto prepare a native C++ DLL using the right APIs to interact with WinDbg. So this post is to get you started to writing your own extension using a proof-of-concept extension that can analyze manage dumps (as

Considerations for NetTcpBinding/NetNamedPipeBinding you may not be aware

  NetTcpBinding is a strange beast and chances are you will encounter several problems in production you never experienced in development or staging phases. The information you will see here will be either fragmented or hidden in the fine print throughout  MSDN documentation. Considerations about net.tcp binding Port Sharing Net.tcp services using shared port needs

Displaying Http Requests from Self-Hosted WCF Services

  This is a short one, I promise. A colleague was complaining that NetExt command !whttp was not displaying the active/finished requests on a dump file he was sure it was processing http requests. The truth is that the process was not w3wp.exe (IIS Worker Process) but rather a self-hosted WCF service. The command !whttp

Pure Native C++ consuming .NET classes without COM registration

  One of the problems that many C++ native developers face when interacting with .NET is the inability to load a .NET COM Dll and use the COM classes without registering the DLL. I faced this problem when adapting the debugging NetExt from pure C++ to pure C++/.NET. As the idea of an extension is