Category: WCF

Considerations for NetTcpBinding/NetNamedPipeBinding you may not be aware

  NetTcpBinding is a strange beast and chances are you will encounter several problems in production you never experienced in development or staging phases. The information you will see here will be either fragmented or hidden in the fine print throughout  MSDN documentation. Considerations about net.tcp binding Port Sharing Net.tcp services using shared port needs

Displaying Http Requests from Self-Hosted WCF Services

  This is a short one, I promise. A colleague was complaining that NetExt command !whttp was not displaying the active/finished requests on a dump file he was sure it was processing http requests. The truth is that the process was not w3wp.exe (IIS Worker Process) but rather a self-hosted WCF service. The command !whttp

Getting started with NetExt

  DISCLAIMER: NetExt is a free and open source WinDBG application that makes .NET debugging much easier as compared to the current options: sos or psscor. This extension is not a Microsoft product and limited support is provided only via its codeplex page. For now I am the only architect/developer, so you may experience delays

Verifying current calls and sessions during runtime

  One of the WCF strengths is the flexibility to allow different configuration combinations. One of the WCF weakness is this configuration flexibility that may lead to a final results different from the expected. Some of the problems we see with our customers are related to actual configuration versus expected configuration. Let me give a

Named Pipes in WCF are named but not by you (and how to find the actual windows object name)

If Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) implementation has its own idiosyncrasies, named pipes provider is the champion. First, let’s start with the name of the provider. Named Pipes in Windows can be used to communicate between process on the same machine or between different machines across a network. WCF only implements the on-machine part of it.