Category: C#

WinDBG Extension written completely in C#

A lot of good and competent people shy away from writing their own WinDbg extension because of the difficultyto prepare a native C++ DLL using the right APIs to interact with WinDbg. So this post is to get you started to writing your own extension using a proof-of-concept extension that can analyze manage dumps (as

Considerations for NetTcpBinding/NetNamedPipeBinding you may not be aware

  NetTcpBinding is a strange beast and chances are you will encounter several problems in production you never experienced in development or staging phases. The information you will see here will be either fragmented or hidden in the fine print throughout  MSDN documentation. Considerations about net.tcp binding Port Sharing Net.tcp services using shared port needs

Pure Native C++ consuming .NET classes without COM registration

  One of the problems that many C++ native developers face when interacting with .NET is the inability to load a .NET COM Dll and use the COM classes without registering the DLL. I faced this problem when adapting the debugging NetExt from pure C++ to pure C++/.NET. As the idea of an extension is

Windows 10 Preview does not allow you to change a network from public to private

  *** UPDATE: This morning my Microsoft colleague Regan Murphy who is Technical Evangelist pointed me out that Windows 10 indeed can change from public to private via U (thank you Regan)I. I am posting his response below. I am keeping the original post as it may be useful for bulk changes and for System

Finally a Federation STS sample using ASP.NET Forms Authentication!

  I have recently worked on an advisory case on which the customer was looking for a STS sample using ASP.NET Forms authentication as base to provide the claims. The Internet may be vast, but it is like a desert when it comes to a single sample of a STS leveraging forms authentication. Before continuing,

Verifying current calls and sessions during runtime

  One of the WCF strengths is the flexibility to allow different configuration combinations. One of the WCF weakness is this configuration flexibility that may lead to a final results different from the expected. Some of the problems we see with our customers are related to actual configuration versus expected configuration. Let me give a

How to get a SAML Protocol Response from ADFS using C#

ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services) is a fancy name for Windows Identity Foundation Server. ADFS supports SAML protocol, however its client, Windows Identity Foundation (WIF), does not. As most of the problems of acquiring a token can be resolved with either WS-Federation and WS-Trust, you may use WIF for your federation needs since WIF supports

Verifying whether the broken piece is c2WTS or Active Directory

  If you have tried my tool to troubleshoot c2WTS with SharePoint, c2WTSTester, verified that the service is running as expected, the account used by SharePoint is valid in c2WTS but you still failed to receive a valid token for some error that does not make much sense, fear no more. It may be that