Category: SharePoint

The fine art of updating MOSS 2007 and WSS 3.0

Let’s face it, updating Sharepoint is not an easy task. It is true for both Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server (MOSS) 2007 and Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0. Let’s highlight some points: MOST IMPORTANT: MOSS is built on top of WSS and you have to apply WSS and MOSS updates on MOSS installation You have to install

Getting Sharepoint Site/Web Context in a Console Application

I had recently faced a problem which I believe other people will face at least once: how to get the context from a URL in a C# Console Application. I needed to use ProfileLoader which requires a context. You cannot get current context when you run an application outside a Sharepoint page (like in Windows

How to test the Mail Settings for a Sharepoint Web Application

WSS and MOSS enable outgoing e-mail configuration and most of the time this configuration is straightforward. As of matter of fact you do not have much to configure as shown below: Figure 1 – Outgoing e-mail settings   This same configuration is used for alerts and notifications as it is for invitations. Most of the